FINTech Legal Services

FINTech Legal Services

The world is waking up to the dawn of a new age of financial service solutions, which bring powerful financial tools right into the palm of your hand using innovative Financial Technology solutions, or “FINTech”.

This industry is extremely disruptive, with massive potential for growth and development, resulting in this sector being simultaneously one of the most regulated and under-regulated in Kenya.

With great power comes great responsibility – when you offer FINTech services in Kenya, you will be subject to an abundance of laws and regulations governing your operations in this sector, to ensure that your users’ money is safe at all times, and being used as it should be.

Olinga Advocates understands this legal minefield in the Kenyan FINtech sector, and offers fintech legal services where we can assist you from start to finish in ensuring that your FINTech offering is operating lawfully in Kenya. Partnering with a trusted FINTech law firm like Olinga Advocates is the safest and easiest way to navigate this minefield with confidence.

FINTech Legal Services

We provide you with the most up to date understanding of the current FINTech-relevant laws in Kenya, including policies and regulations from Kenya’s Ministry of ICT, the Competition Authority and the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner.

Whether you’re offering payment service solutions, building a digital wallet application, or wanting to launch a new savings or investment platform in Kenya, we know the intricate FINTech laws, the applicable technologies and your savvy customers.

Our FINTech law firm can analyses applicable laws with you, educate you about those laws, draft all of the required customer and investor agreements and terms needed, confirm the legal status of the FINTech service you’re providing, and even engage with regulators on your behalf for the purposes of licensing.

Get the FINTech Full-Service Offering assistance you need in this dynamic, powerful and prescriptive industry, where any unlawful operation can lead to extreme sanctions.

What our FINTech legal services can offer you:

We analyse your whole operation to detail all of the legal regimes applicable to these highly regulated services in Kenya, creating a clear and predictable path of compliance for your FINTech service.


We can draft the full range of Terms and Conditions applicable to the provision of your FINTech services, whether for your users, API partners, or investors.


We can assist you in identifying and engaging with the correct regulator governing your particular service, (Digital Credit Providers) Regulations, 2022 This is to ensure that you have the appropriate licenses / approvals to lawfully commence with your FINTech services as envisaged.


23 Olenguruone Ave , Lavington, Nairobi
+254 700 091 077
Mon-Fri: 8:00am – 5:00pm

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    23 Olenguruone Avenue , Lavington, Nairobi - Kenya

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